July 2021 Funding Bulletin

Hello Everyone! 

Governments everywhere are providing employment and training funding programs to help Canadian businesses get back to work. Here’s a few employment and training programs to check out. 

The Alberta Jobs Now program is providing up to $370 million to help private and non-profit businesses support much-needed jobs for unemployed and underemployed Albertans to help Alberta’s economy recover. Employers will be able to apply for a grant that covers 25 per cent of an employee’s salary for a 52-week period up to a maximum of $25,000 per employee. The grant can be used to cover salary or training costs. Employers who hire persons with disabilities will receive a grant 1.5 times higher than the amount they receive for other new employees. 

The Jobs and Growth Fund assists businesses and organizations create jobs and position local economies for long-term growth. “In the West, Western Economic Diversification Canada (WD) is investing $217 million to help job creators and the organizations that support them to future-proof their businesses, build resiliency and prepare for growth by transitioning to a green economy, fostering an inclusive recovery, enhancing competitiveness and creating jobs in every corner of the country.” Eligible applicants are businesses, including co-operatives, not-for-profit organizations and community economic development partners.

Technology Alberta’s ‘First Job Pilot Program’. "In partnership with the Government of Alberta, the Technology Alberta FIRST Job Program is open to Alberta resident post-secondary students and recent graduates who are interested in working in Alberta's strong and growing tech sector, which has created 1000’s of new jobs in 2021.” 

Youth Internship Program: This program helps hire talent while also helping graduates gain skills for securing full-time employment. Companies that are eligible are doing work in the environment sector that is linked to the green economy.  

AMMI Training: Learn how to develop ML knowledge and skills to define and execute a machine learning project with AMMI’s ML Technician Certificate course. Applications are open for the fall program running between September 21st - November 19th.

AMMI is also accepting applications for its Reducing Emissions for Machine Intelligence (REMI) program until September 10th. “It’s no secret that AI holds opportunities to increase revenue, improve operations and solve complex problems. REMI provides an accelerated opportunity to move your technology adoption strategy forward, focusing on addressing ambitious goals related to environmental, social, and governance performance.” Check out: REMI page - the Info Session is on August 5th

Edge Up assists displaced energy professionals transition to in-demand careers in tech.

An easy and quick way to get a quick and comprehensive understanding of the employment/training funding landscape is to purchase the Overview of the now 35++ Employment and Training Funding Programs


The CAF and DND are looking to test drive creative energy generation solutions to pair up with heating systems in existing buildings to help lower their carbon footprint. DND - Test Driving Creative Energy Solutions

The Canadian Safety and Security Program is purposed to mitigate the effects of future high-impact, low-frequency events such as pandemics, natural disasters or other disruptive forces caused by natural events or human activity. 


Junction Program Applications are Open for Fall 2021!

“Startups, immerse yourself in a 9-week founder focused residency program! Junction gives you the tools to clearly articulate your business model, prioritize your company’s activities, and guide you when it comes to answering those tough investor questions.” Platform Calgary leverages experts from the Calgary community through workshops, office hours and 1:1 Advisor coaching to formulate a roadmap for you to follow." Applications close on August 22.

Inventures 2021 Sept 22-24 - We’ll See Each Other Soon! 

We will be able to see and visit with each other once again at Bold Ideas Unleashed! The key note speaker will be Isaac Ben-Israel - International Cyber Risk Expert. And, join TECTERRA - 5 - 8 PM on Sept 23. 

Remember when Richard Branson was in Calgary! Seeing him on Stephen Colbert’s Late Night Show was amazing. He was up at the ‘edge of space’ and then on the Late Night Show 2 days later! I posted a photo of him on Linked In as he was looking down at Earth, he looked so happy and like he was going to cry! Rocket Man! He will build an empire around space travel - something beyond humanity’s imagination but then again - haven’t we all wondered and imagined what’s up there and beyond!  

Forces in Our Technology Community

There’s much going on in Calgary’s technology sector - check out Platform Calgary’ progress with the Innovation Centre. Also, RBC has just announced plans for 300 tech hires over the next three years at the company’s new Calgary Innovation Hub - set to launch in September - to be located in Bankers Hall downtown - check out: job openings are already posted online.

The leadership force and rapid expansion of the Foresight Cleantech Accelerator Centre is accelerating Canada’s transition to a green economy and positioning Canada as a global leader in cleantech. As mentioned in the May Funding Bulletin, ACTia has joined with Foresight and will be known as Foresight Alberta as of September 2021. 

Keeping in Touch with Our Technology Community:  Calgary Economic Development, Technology Alberta, Alberta Enterprise, DEC, ACTIA, TECTERRA, CRIN, PTAC, Foresight Alberta all write excellent newsletters along with Energy Now and the BOE Report.   

The Deals!

It’s the deals that are being made and will be made that will have a stunning impact on the growth of the technology sector. As mentioned in the May Funding Bulletin, the Business Renewables Centre launched a corporate renewable energy deal tracking tool, the BRC-Canada Deal Tracker. "Deals to buy renewable energy to supply corporate demand are now among the biggest drivers of new wind and solar energy development in Canada and in 2021 is already a record-breaking year for new corporate renewable energy procurement.” 

Greening Our Planet

Greening the planet is well underway. In the May Funding Bulletin, I summarized what I learned about the growth of H2 Production facilities that are being built around the world. About 3 weeks ago I read an article that summarized hundreds of H2 production plants underway worldwide. Alberta’s Hydrogen Hub is one of the stars in Alberta’s future. 

The ‘Just’ Transition to a Low Carbon Future

Although the 2015 Paris Accord used the term ‘just transition’ using this same term in Canada when launching an engagement process to ensure for a “just and equitable transition to a low-carbon future for workers and their communities” is stirring unnecessary controversy. The world needs and wants to reduce its carbon footprint. Alberta is leading the way in every way - in industry and via government initiatives. Surely federal politicians could be more sensitive and collaborative in getting Alberta to the table - especially with someone as knowledgeable and congenial as Seamus O’Regan, Jr., Minister of Natural Resources at the helm. 


To protect wildlife and wildlife places, while safeguarding the people who tend to them,

Blackline, a hardware-enabled Software-as-a Service (Saas) company, is gifting the Calgary Zoo with 65 of its G7c Lone Worker monitors alongside four years of monitoring, which includes Blackline’s live emergency response. G7c wearable safety devices have configurable incident detection and alerts – such as fall detection, no motion detection, missed check-ins and an SOS latch if emergency help is needed – and wirelessly connect employees with live monitoring teams to enable quick emergency response. The equipment and monitoring are valued at $200,000.”

Humanity’s Recovery from the Pandemic 

The pandemic has revealed the dire conditions of humanity everywhere in the world and this is appearing to become a catalyst for taking steps to address the wellbeing of humankind. President Biden and his wife Dr. Jill Biden’s compassionate leadership are leading all of us to improving our collective wellbeing. One of first steps is providing child care for all. In the PBS Brooks and Capehart show, David Brooks summarized it all “Child care will lift America out of poverty.” What a relief for humankind and for all families and especially for the quality of life for women and children. 

The Governments of Canada and Alberta have signed an agreement on an extension to the Canada–Alberta Early Learning and Child Care Agreement. Alberta is expanding the child care subsidy for children attending licensed preschools along with providing wage top-ups for early childhood educators. 

"The Government of Canada is providing over $290 million in funding over 4 years to Alberta to improve access to high quality, affordable, flexible, and inclusive early learning and child care programs and services.

The federal and provincial governments agree that affordable child care is essential for families and the province’s economic recovery. $400 million was invested by the provincial government in child care. Funding from the renewed agreement will be used to enhance subsidies and give more working parents a hand up.

Throughout the pandemic, child care operators navigated through closures, quarantines and staffing challenges, showing resilience by re-opening and staying open. The agreement includes a one-time investment of $56 million in 2021-22 to support the recruitment and retention of an early childhood workforce.”

I believe that the above programs may be covered under the umbrella of Canada's First Poverty Reduction Recovery Strategy

And then there’s the romance of Woven City - the end goal - building a community by putting human needs first - seniors will be the first residents. It’s mission “creating a city built for happiness”.

And then there’s the $26B that pharmaceutical companies will pay for their part in the opioid epidemic in the US. 

Working less is another topic for discussion - surfaced by the NYT.

About Looking After Ourselves First

It was International Self Care Day on July 24th. This special day acknowledges how important it is to take care of ourselves first. We have been through so much with this pandemic. It’s a time to talk about it and it’s a time to listen and support and encourage ourselves and others as much as we can when we can. As we listen, we give comfort, and, then we start remembering a time when we felt stressed out about some horrible thing and we can say in comfort and support - Yes, I have had those feelings too, you are not alone - tell me more. And, can I give you a call tomorrow to see how you are doing? 

Good News from the Federal Reserve

Interest rates will not be increased at this time.

Moving Forward - Securing Funding!

Moving forward is the mantra for all of us - so many good things are going to happen - funding will leverage your next steps to growth. 

Words to Inspire 

Richard Branson is top of mind today! 

Back to you in August - call to be in touch and be on top of funding programs for your company!

Best Regards & A Happy and Safe Long Weekend!

Eileen Ashmore, MBA, CMC Management Consultant - Technology Funding Specialist

403 252 0799 eileenashmore@strategictimelines.com 


Strategic Timelines works with your company to prepare top notch funding submissions with compelling positioning strategies to significantly increase your company’s opportunity for securing funding, financing and/or investment.


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