RVM The Generator

Highlights of Alberta's Generation Sector

Several companies submitted Applications for a Review and Variance (AUC Proceeding 26660) related to AUC Proceeding 26090, the AUC's decision to discontinue the distribution-connected generation credit mechanism.The Parties include: 1) a consortium of Kalina Distributed Power Limited, Lionstooth Energy Inc., Signalta Resources Limited, and Campus Energy Partners LP, 2) WCSB Power Alberta Limited Partnership, and 3) BluEarth Renewables Inc. and Elemental Energy Renewables Inc. The AUC has subsequently declined to grant WCSB's request for leave.

  • The AESO issued Energy Emergency Alert 2 at 15:52 on July 7 and again at 16:46 on July 14, indicating that operating reserves were being used to meet energy demand and asking consumers to reduce demand. They were removed in approximately two and three hours respectively.

  • The AESO updated transmission loss factors for January to August 2021 and provided new loss factors effective August 1, 2021.

  • Enel Alberta Wind Inc., as general partner of Wild Run Limited Partnership, submitting an application to the AUC (Proceeding 26677) for its 154 MW Grizzly Bear Creek Wind Project located in the counties of Minburn No. 27 and Vermillion, 6.4 km south of Mannville. The project was previously approved at 120 MW (Proceeding 26612). The project is expected to be in service by December 31, 2021.

  • KALiNA Distributed Power Limited submitted an application (AUC Proceeding 26744) to construct and operate the 64 MW KALiNA Energy Centre - Saddle Hills. The project is located within Saddle Hills County, approximately 14 km southeast of Gordondale. The project will connect to the ATCO distribution system and is expected to be online by February 2024.

  • The AESO posted its 2021 Long-term Outlook and held an information webinar on July 20. Key Insights include a 0.5% average annual AIL growth over the next 20 years due to both reduced economic and oil sands growth, and an increase in Distributed Energy Resource penetration.

  • Windrise Wind Energy Inc., a TransAlta Corporation company, has submitted AUC Proceeding 26713, a request for an extension of the completion date for its 206MW Windrise Wind Power Project and Collector Substation (AUC Approval 24699). The project was to be competed on June 30, 2021 and is now proposed for January 31, 2022.

  • The AESO posted results from its Bulk and Regional Tariff Design Session 6B Stakeholder Engagement Session.


July 2021 Funding Bulletin


Future Food: Insights into Modern Agriculture