New Project Encourages Alberta’s Youth to Consider Careers in Electricity

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May 27, 2021, Ottawa—Electricity Human Resources Canada (EHRC) announced a new initiative today that will raise awareness of the careers that exist in Alberta’s fast changing electricity and renewables sector for students and youth. This will support career planning when choosing a field of study or entering the job market. Funded by the Government of Alberta, the project will support employment, economic growth and innovation in Alberta’s energy sector.

EHRC’s recent report, Generation Impact: Future Workforce Perspectives, found that young people in Canada have a favourable view of the electricity sector, but a low level of awareness of its professional opportunities. The key finding of Generation Impact was that with the right information, young people are very keen to work in the sector.
Working with industry partners, the project will identify the largest employment opportunities for youth in electricity and renewable energy. These will include a mix of established and in-demand positions, as well as emerging fields as a result of Alberta’s transforming energy landscape. The careers in focus can be attained through a variety of education backgrounds and pathways, including through college, university, and trades training.


The Hydrogen Commandment


Student Work Placement Program