New report highlights the integral role of clean hydrogen in decarbonizing energy systems

Source: | · HYDROGEN COUNCIL · | October 18, 2023

A new report released today by the Hydrogen Council underscores the integral role of hydrogen in transitioning global energy systems from unabated fossil fuels to clean energy, paving the way for a net zero future.

Hydrogen in Decarbonized Energy Systems, co-authored by leading global energy advisory firm Baringa, details the benefits of incorporating hydrogen in evolving energy systems through an analysis of three distinct regional energy systems: Texas in the US, Central Western Europe, and Japan. As these three regions show contrasting features in terms of energy intensity and access to renewable sources, they represent different archetypes.

Integrating region specific factors such as own resource potential, demands, and pricing dynamics, the outcomes of the energy system’s modelling reveal that while each system will evolve differently, they all highlight system benefits that hydrogen brings.

Across all regions, it is shown how hydrogen brings flexibility and optimization to the energy system. Hydrogen turbines will complement batteries by providing long-duration flexibility during prolonged supply shortages. However, enabling infrastructure like pipelines, storage, CO2 networks, and import terminals is essential to realize hydrogen’s full potential. With the right infrastructure and market incentives, hydrogen can make the net-zero transition more affordable.


Hydrogen's role in our energy future


Energy Innovation Program – Smart Grids