QUEST Canada Announces its 2023-2025 Strategic Plan

Source: | · QUEST · | June 20, 2023

QUEST Canada is excited to announce the release of its 2023-2025 Strategic Plan, detailing the organization’s updated vision, mission and values as well as their new strategic priority and key activities for the next coming years. 

While there are many significant global challenges being faced by governments and communities around the world today, the need to address climate change has become a mainstay and continues to increase in importance. Domestically, Canada’s motivation and actions to implement solutions to reduce emissions is not only seen as a climate objective, but also as an opportunity for social reform including, but not limited to, reconciliation, equity, diversity and inclusion, poverty reduction and economic growth.

In Canada, energy use by the multiple sectors at work in communities, from housing to transportation to local industry, account for 60 per cent of total energy consumption and half of Canada’s emissions. As a result, the pathway to net-zero emissions in Canada must be led by local governments as the key drivers of change. Local governments are also the primary agency that can build and maintain buy-in and support for the actions that bring us to a net-zero economy. The challenge is that they don’t have the capacity—knowledge, tools, resources and financing—to take the lead. 


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