Highlights of Alberta's Generation Sector

The AUC has initiated Proceeding 26090 to consider whether distribution-connected generation should continue to qualify for distribution credits under the Fortis, ATCO and ENMAX tariffs.

  • Milner Power Inc. submitted a request to the AUC (Proceeding 26046) seeking approval to extend the completion date for its 86 MW Cogeneration Power Plant (AUC Approval 23083 - D02-2017) from December 31, 2019 to December 31, 2023.

  • Signalta Resources Ltd. applied for approval (AUC Proceeding 26127) to construct a 20 MW gas-fired peaking plant near High River. The Signalta High River Peaking Power Plant is proposed to be constructed in three stages using 1.4 MW internal combustion engines and will connect to the FortisAlberta 25KV distribution system.

  • The AESO posted a Letter of Notice of Proposed Final Draft of Amended ISO Rule - Section 303.2, Performance Assessment for Refund of Generating Unit Owner's Contribution requesting stakeholder comments by January 8, 2021.

  • Paintearth Wind Project LP submitted a request to the AUC (Proceeding 26122) to extend the construction of its 150MW Paintearth Wind Project (AUC Approval 22726) from January 31, 2022 to April 1, 2023.

  • AUC Chair Carolyn Dahl Rees released a Letter to Stakeholders outlining the Commission's efforts to streamline and reform its decision-making processes.

  • Pembina Pipeline Corporation, through its subsidiary 1195714 Alberta Ltd., applied to the AUC (Proceeding 26123) for approval to construct a 45 MW LM6000PF at its Empress Straddle Plant, located 1.7 km from the Saskatchewan border in Cypress County. The gas turbine will be powered by natural gas blended with regeneration gas from propane and butane treatment. 40 MW of thermal energy will be recovered to provide heat to the facility and Pembina has applied for an Industrial System Designation. In service date is expected to be Q1 2023.

  • The AUC approved (Proceeding 25175), the AESO's application for approval of its compliance with the 2018 ISO tariff decision (Proceeding 22942) on a final basis.


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