Schneider explores new resource for microgrids — river currents

Source: Elisa Wood| · SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC · | January 9, 2023

A selling point for microgrids is that they can use just about any form of generation, making them able to reap the benefits of local resources.

Mostly, however, they use solar, batteries and fossil fuel generators.

But Schneider Electric has begun incorporating an unusual resource into microgrids built in remote areas — river currents. The industry giant is collaborating with ORPC, a small Portland, Maine, company that provides the RivGen Power System.

Schneider became attracted to river generation because it provides an alternative to diesel fuel for remote communities that cannot easily — or cost effectively — connect to a central grid.

A baseload renewable

In an interview with Microgrid Knowledge, Bala Vinayagam, senior vice president for Schneider’s microgrid business, described an additional benefit offered by ORPC’s river generators — their power is baseload. This guarantees electricity when the sun isn’t shining on a microgrid’s solar panels or a battery is depleted. In fact, the solar and batteries within the microgrid act as backup power to the river generation.


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