DEADLINE PASSED: Small Producers Energy Efficiency Deployment
ERA’s Small Producers Energy Efficiency Deployment (SPEED) funding is an expansion of Energy Savings for Business. It supports eligible oil and gas producers in Alberta to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and support job creation. Through expanded eligibility and the addition of new technology types, SPEED will accelerate the deployment of proven upgrades that help producers decrease operating costs and become more competitive, boosting economic recovery.
SPEED gives companies quick access to incentives up to $1 million per parent company for cost-effective energy and cost-saving technologies.
SPEED expands access for oil and gas producers, adding SPEED expands access for oil and gas producers, adding incentives for new measure categories to the already 60 commercially available technology types offered through Energy Savings for Business:
Air Fuel Ratio Controllers
High-Efficiency Engines
Pump Jack Electrification
The new funding stream enables increased participation from the oil and gas sector by including facilities that are regulated under Technology Innovations and Emission Reduction (TIER), opted-in to TIER, or not currently opted-in under the regulation.
*Please note: the minimum incentive request is $10,000.
The deadline to apply is Monday, May 9, 2022, at 5 p.m. Mountain Standard Time (UTC-7h).
Click here for more information.