Strategic Timelines Funding Bulletin

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Hello Everyone!

If there ever was a time when funding was in abundance and specifically funding for green initiatives, it is now. In addition to all of the green funding via ERA, EEA, Alberta Innovates (Entrepreneurial Investments and Clean Resources), PTAC, COSIA, CRIN (in the future), methane reduction and well abandonment - the Alberta Recovery Plan has added $476M via T.I.E.R. for technology and innovation to reduce emissions. This beautiful Province of Alberta is going green. If there ever was an opportunity for the world to know about and follow Alberta’s lead, it is now. AMII is receiving a $5M for its REMI (Reducing Emissions through Machine Intelligence), Sundre Petroleum Operators Group (SPOG) will receive $3M to test their emissions reduction technology, and, PTAC will receive $2M for applied research for methane emission management and control.

Plus More Innovation Funding News

  • The IRAP IAP has been extended

  • Information on the Alberta’s Innovation Employment Grant (IEG) has become available

  • MITACS Business Strategy Internship Program: Haskayne School of Business has partnered with MITACS to provide a 4 month internship for students to assist businesses restore or modify their operations in a new business environment disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic. ($2500 via Haskayne, $5000 via Mitacs and $2500 from the business.) (Funding may be allocated.)

  • The Science and Technology Internship (STIP) Green Jobs program has received additional funding

  • For businesses ordered to close, the Alberta Small and Medium Enterprises Relaunch Grant will be open for applications until August 31st or 4 weeks after the Phase 3 of Alberta’s Relaunch Strategy whichever is later

  • COVID-19 Community Resilience funding of $3.3B was recently announced by the Minister of Federal Infrastructure and Communities, and

  • Intake for Federation of Canadian Communities (FCM) Community Efficiency Financing program will end October 30th (Funding is via Canada’s Green Municipal Fund.)


Congratulations to the 17 businesses accepted in the SEED STDC program, and, to the 20 companies selected in ERA’s most recent Natural Gas Challenge! SDTC plans to fund up to 100 companies per year in its SEED program. Of the 20 companies that received ERA funding, 9 companies were PTAC members, and, PTAC secured funding as well.

A Big, Big Contribution: Ocalink Pantheon Emergency Ventilator

Now available in large quantities!

The Evolving Funding Landscape

The AUGUST 2020 OVERVIEW overviews 160! funding programs. The EEA programs were not counted but they were not deleted from the Overview and the same for a few other funding programs that are currently not available. We will know more about the EEA programs as of September 1st.

Today’s funding landscape has evolved and will continue to evolve. The innovation funding circle has grown dramatically in the last 10 years. With COVID-19, many more innovation funding circles have formed that are separate but yet are part of today’s innovation funding landscape. Other funding circles may emerge over the next 6 to 18 months. The impact of the 6 MEGA funding programs is not only stimulating economic recovery but a green economic multiplier beyond imagination.

Most Interesting News on Going Green in Canada

  • The Pembina Institute’s “Alberta Emerging Economy” published on June 15th is projecting 67,500 new decarbonizing jobs by 2030.

  • The Pembina Institute published an article on July 7th ‘Building Back Better’ making the case for creating low-carbon jobs in Canada.

  • A report, Green Strings: Principles and Conditions for a Green Recovery from COVID-19, gives Canadian policy-makers concrete steps to include conditions, or, “green strings,” to funding given to industry, such as requiring concrete plans for net-zero emissions by 2050, with immediate action for reducing emissions in key high-carbon sectors.

Green Micro Ways

Months ago, I wrote about how we as individuals - the millions and billions of us around the world – by simply attending to reduce, reuse, recycle that our micro impact could and would become a macro result. The 3R’s have been around a long time but today the 3R’s are that much more powerful. It the little but big things like attending to reducing water and power consumption; using our cars less, the C-Train more and all. The blending of home offices / work offices will most likely continue when COVID-19 is over thereby contributing to GHG reduction. Just learned of this through Peter Koning’s Energy Shift newsletter: #TellYourStory - a way for those in Alberta to get their environmental story out. It's an initiative of the Alberta Emerald Foundation, an organization celebrating environmental successes in this province for nearly 30 years.

The Carbon Pipeline!

What an achievement!

The Show Must Go On in Bubbles!

Bubble stadiums - what a novel concept bringing so much enjoyment especially valued and refreshing at this time. Although 'ancient' history tells another story. 2700 years ago, competitors were to reach Elis by the summer's first full moon which marked 30 days before the start of the Olympic games. (Excerpt from The Atlantic.)

Seeding Reaps Rewards Well Beyond Our Imaginations!

Whether it’s building a new technology, launching a new technology, securing innovation funding, securing capital, securing more clients and/or offering a wider choice of products and services - this is a time to seed.

I am reminded from my own experiences how planting seeds - and many seeds grows a business. Just before the financial crisis of 2008/2009, I worked with a client from another province to assist the client meet companies in Alberta. This was when the energy sector was booming and when many people and businesses were coming to Alberta looking for work. I learned a few years later that the client had tracked results from the Alberta meetings and that the ‘seeding’ work led to many, many millions of revenue dollars.

Big Wins!

This year, I’ve experienced a few big wins with assisting clients secure funding on big projects – both projects were a Team effort. May there be many more and may the next big wins be with your technology driven company!

Lastly, Thank You!

Thank you to all my clients over these last 10 years - it was 10 years ago in April when I started assisting technology driven businesses secure innovation funding. Thank you for how amazing it’s been to work with you, and, for your amazing innovations. It has been challenging to play on your Team(s) and rewarding to see your businesses prosper and grow. And, so the journey continues. Next time I might write about another career option that I could have taken - but then again, I would have missed this most important, rewarding and interesting dance.

“There be no potion so powerful, no pill so amazing, no promised reward so alluring as the certain belief that something good can happen tomorrow.” (Author Unknown)

Best Regards, Be Safe, Have a Very Good Month, Be in Touch, Be Back to You in September!

Eileen Ashmore, MBA, CMC Management Consultant - Technology Funding Specialist

403 252 0799

Assisting Technology Driven Businesses Grow Revenues, and, Secure Innovation Funding Grants!


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