EV Tipping Point – The Future of Cars is Electric

Source: David Dodge & Kay Rollans | GREEN ENERGY FUTURES | April 29, 2020

We've hit the electric vehicle tipping point. Surprised? According to EV expert and columnist Matthew Klippenstein the auto industry is investing $300 billion in the development of more than 500 new electric car models before 2025. Learn more in our blog: http://www.greenenergyfutures.ca/episode/250-ev-tipping-point-–-the-future-of-cars-is-electric

Automakers may be investing $300 billion in electric vehicles and batteries, but the tell-tale sign that the world is going electric is the best-selling Ford F150 going electric says Matthew Klippenstein, EV industry watcher and columnist. See blog and photos: http://www.greenenergyfutures.ca/episode/250-ev-tipping-point-the-future-of-cars-is-electric

You may not see it on the streets of your town or city yet, but the world slipped past the tipping point for electric vehicles (EVs) sometime last year.

There is a photo of 5th Avenue in New York from 1900. It depicts a vibrant street, filled with horses and buggies. Then there is another photo, just 13 years later that shows all combustion vehicles and only one horse and buggy.

Occasionally transformational change comes very fast as was the case with combustion vehicles replacing the horse and buggy around the turn of the last century. From Business Insider.

Occasionally transformational change comes very fast as was the case with combustion vehicles replacing the horse and buggy around the turn of the last century. From Business Insider.

Well, we can’t show you a similar photo for electric vehicles, yet, but we can show you the numbers for automaker investment that will produce that photo in the very near future.

In 2019, Reuters reported 300 billion USD in global commitments to EV development over the next five to 10 years. Virtually every major automaker is investing everything in electric vehicles. More than 500 models of electric vehicles will be available by 2025.

“Everyone is involved. Everyone sees that this is the necessary course,” says Matthew Klippenstein, an electric vehicle (EV) commentator and analyst who once compiled Canada’s most thorough EV database agrees. “We do have a tipping point… in terms of automakers’ resources and commitments to electric to zero-emission technology going forward,” Klippenstein says he wouldn’t be surprised if, in 2020, investment will increase to nearly 500 billion USD.


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